
2023 予想される自由英作文の頻出テーマ

(2023.2.2 更新)

「2023 予想される自由英作文の頻出テーマ」を掲載しました。一年前と二年前にも出題が予想される頻出テーマを取り上げましたが,その改訂版です。もちろん,特定の大学・学部の自由英作文で「ズバリ的中」する可能性もなきしもあらずですが,完全に山を張ってテーマを一つか二つに絞る対策が賢明でないことは言うまでもありません。しかし,自由英作文に多大な時間を費やす余裕がある人はけっして多くはないでしょう。したがって,最も効率の良い,なおかつ正攻法の対策について説明します。

まず昨年と同様,出題が予想されるテーマを例示します。(  )内は既出の大学・学部と英検です。次いで汎用性の高い一部のテーマについて,昨年は割愛した解答例を提示します。なお東京大学,一橋大学前期,早稲田大学の問題については, 自由英作文 問題 解答例 暗記例文をご覧下さい。











・インターネット(英検準一2022-第二回), 既存のメディア(新聞・雑誌・テレビ)とインターネット,紙媒体と電子メディア(早稲田法)











そうすることで,書くべき内容が浮かばないタイプの人も,内容は浮かぶけれども英語で表現できないタイプの人も,まったく書けないということはなくなるでしょう。ただし一定レベルの読解力と単語力・文法力が前提になることは言うまでもありません。阿佐谷英語塾は,自由英作文 問題 解答例 暗記例文のページを設けてきましたが,新しく自由英作文の書き方もアップロードしました。同じテーマであっても,語数や主張の内容は異なるので,自分が使えそうなものを選んで「手書き」で書いてみるとよいでしょう。もし仮に実際に書く余裕がない場合には,解答例を読むだけでも,多様なテーマに関する背景知識と必要な英語表現を身につけるのに少しは役に立つと思います。

[九州大学 2021] Read the instructions and write a paragraph in English.
In 2020, many students in schools and universities experienced online education.
Using about 100 English words, introduce and explain one advantage and one disadvantage of online education in a well-developed paragraph.

[阿佐谷英語塾解答例] One of the advantages of online education is that students can study at home. Of course, this is not a voluntary but forced choice by COVID-19. However, many students, especially those living in urban areas, must have realized that using transportation during rush hour wastes physical and psychological energy, time, and money. One of the disadvantages is the negative aspect of the advantage. Students being able to stay home means they do not attend classes and study alone using PCs or tablets. However, without teachers or fellow students around them, they cannot continue concentrating on online lessons because they are less stimulating or motivating than actual ones. (107 words)

[慶応医学部 2021] During the COVID-19 pandemic, there has been a trend among those who can do so toward working from home. Write 100 words or so in English on what you consider to be the advantages and disadvantages of this trend.

[阿佐谷英語塾解答例] One advantage of working from home is that employees need not commute during rush hour, so they can avoid wasting time and physical and psychological energy. Companies or employers can cut transportation costs. Moreover, workers can do tasks at their pace without worrying about colleagues' performance as long as they produce good results. However, this trend has some disadvantages. First, business data is available from home using PCs or smartphones, but this style is less effective than face-to-face communication for conveying subtle nuances. Second, without stimulation or encouragement from fellow workers or managers around them, ordinary people cannot concentrate on remote work efficiently. (103 words) 

[秋田大学 2022] The Japanese government introduced a charge for plastic shopping bags on July 1, 2020. Customers must pay 2 to 4 yen for a smaller bag and about 5 to 10 yen for a larger bag (prices vary depending on each store and shop). Do you think charging customers for plastic shopping bags is a good idea? Answer in English, in the form of a paragraph, in about 100 words. Start by stating your position. Give at least two reasons for your position.

[大学公表解答例 1] I strongly agree that the shops charge plastic shopping bags for environmental reasons as well as aesthetic reasons. Recently we have heard terrible stories about whales or sharks dying because they accidentally swallow plastic bags which were dumped into the ocean. Also when we visited a mangrove reservation in Indonesia, we were shocked to see many plastic bags dumped in swamps. Now that plastic bags are being charged, people carry their pretty nylon bags. I also know that some carry handmade bags which they have made by themselves. People should enjoy not getting the plastic bags for free. (99 words 実際は98語) *aesthetic: 美的な

[大学公表解答例 2] I do not think charging money on plastic bags will be effective for solving environmental problems. The price of the bags is too cheap for people to think of not getting them. Those plastic bags are useful as inner bags for garbage bags. Secondly, it will not help decrease trash in Japan, anyway. Japan has a distinct garbage managing system, that is, burning almost everything in high-tech ovens, so decreasing the volume of plastic shopping bags will not help. To conclude, charging plastic shopping bags will have a very small effect. We seem to have many other things that must be done for the environment. (105 words)

[英検準一2022-第二回] Should people trust informastion on the Internet? (120-150 words)

[英検公表解答例] In my opinion, people should trust information on the Internet. I have two reasons to support this based on news and learning.
 Firstly, Internet news sites are a fantastic source of trustworthy information. The demand for up-to-date news has led to more people submitting videos and photos of events as they happen, such as natural disasters. This information is easy to verify because it comes directly from people experiencing such events, making it easier to trust this information.
 Secondly, there are many online learning courses on the Internet with content that can be trusted. To ensure their courses are reliable, educational institutions rigorously check the content of their online resources. Moreover, these courses are widely recognized, adding to their authenticity.
 In conclusion, due to the increasing amount of news generated directly from the source and the high quality of learning resources online, we should trust information on the Internet. (149 words)

[大阪大学外国語 2022] 科学技術の発展によって,機械やAI(人工知能)が人の代わりをすることが増えてきました。 製造業においてはかなり以前から,また近年では運輸や接客などのサービス業でも自動化が進んでいます。 このように社会が大きく変わろうとしている中にあって,どうしても機械やAIが取って代わることができない,もしくは取って代わってばしくないとあなたが考えるのはどのような仕事ですか。 具体的な仕事を1つ挙げ,その理由を80語程度の英文で述べなさい。

[阿佐谷英語塾解答例] One job AI cannot replace is taking care of children. In a broader sense, those who care for children include nursery and elementary school teachers and parents who raise children at home. AI is good at computing, storing memory, analyzing data, and finding efficient ways to do things. Meanwhile, it is poor at value judgment or distinguishing between good and evil. However, the most important aspect of nurturing [raising] children is to lead them to know what they should or should not do as human beings. (85 words)


英語専門塾 大学受験 阿佐谷英語塾