


一橋や早稲田政経・法・国際教養のように予想外の,しかもかなり専門的なテーマを出題された時には,数百題の暗記例文を身に着けていようと,語彙と知識の不足は免れない。したがって,暗記例文の本当の狙いは,あくまでも確かな文法と構文に則り,なおかつ一定レベルの語彙を生かしながら,専門知識と専門用語の勝負にはまるのを避けて,(高いレベルの)一般論を展開することにある。→ 自由英作文暗記例文:短文&中文

2012年度 一橋・前期 解答例

Write 120 to 150 words of English about one of the topics below. Indicate the number of the topic you have chosen. Also, indicate the number of the words you have written at the end the composition.
1. Tokyo is not representative of Japanese culture. Do you agree or disagree?
2. Is technology making human beings more intelligent or less intelligent? Why?
3. Explain how you think the world will be in the year 3000.

2. を選ぶが,intelligent という語の意味の取りようで答えは大きく変わる。出題の真意が掴みにくい。

 In my opinion, technology is making human beings less intelligent. First, it has caused the decline of spiritual values and widespread materialism. When technology creates new opportunities and benefits for men, it also creates new problems for societies. It is true that sience and technology have made human life more comfortable than ever before, but modern communications technology has raised people's such expectations as cannot be realized easily, especially in developing countries. That can cause unrest both within countries and across countries. Second, though the most obvious characteristic of technology is its usefulness, it sometimes brings a man-made disaster and, moreover, produces mass-destruction weapons beyond human control, which could make human beings disappear from the earth. Technological development is the driving force of the development of civilization. However, if we thought the progress in technology goes with that in intelligence, it would be too simple. (145 words)


2004年度 早稲田・法

Under current law, Japanese citizens become adults at the age of 20.
・Do you agree with the current law?
・Do you think that the age of majority should be reduced╶╴to 18, for example?
・Or do you think that it should be increased╶╴to 22, for example?
Write a paragraph defending ONE of these three positions, giving at least one appropriate reason to support your opinion.  

 I agree with the current law. First, at present, serious conflicting views are expressed about various problems. As adult citizens, we must judge them: (What is right and wrong and what is acceptable and unacceptable?) For example, even though the East-West political tensions have relaxed, could we say the danger of a nuclear war has disappeared? Even adults believe absurd generalizations and have stereotypes closely related to prejudice(, like an idea that someone's nationality has much to do with the possibility of his or her committing crimes). Second, human society communicates values and morals from generation to generation through a long period of education. Therefore, the current age of majority is appropriate. (82 words)

※政経用には(  )内を省かなければ語数は 112 words になる。今回も90%以上が暗記例文の組み合わせである。この比率を50%に下げられれば,かなり書く力が着いたことになる。

2010年度 早稲田・法

Changing one's appearance through cosmetic surgery, body piercing, and tattoos has become more common for young and old. Some people oppose the idea of changing ome's face and body artificially, while others support the idea of making one's appearance better for one's own benefit.
What do you think about this?
Write a paragraph defending ONE of these opinions, giving at least one appropriate reason to support your answer.

 There are conflicting opinions about this problem, but I support the idea of changing one's appearance. First, it is quite natural for people to do what benefits themselves. As long as it is socially acceptable, it is an elementary means to establish and maintain relationships. Second, not a few people believe a generalization that piercing bodies or having tattoos is a rather anti-social act. However, such a stereotype has a close relation to prejudice, so it impoverishes the mentality of those who oppose changing one's appearance artificially. (87 words)

 Probably there are conflicting opinions about this problem, but I support the idea of changing one's appearance artificially for one's benefit. The first reason is that it is quite natural for people to do what benefits themselves. As long as it is socially acceptable, it is a primary means to establish and maintain relationships with each other. The second is that not a few people believe a generalization that piercing bodies or wearing tattoos is rather an anti-social act. However, such a stereotype has a close relation to prejudice and a standardized image, and so it impoverishes the mentality of those who oppose changing one's appearance artificially. (107 words)


2009年度 早稲田・政経


Read the statement below and write a paragraph giving at least two reasons why you agree or disagree with it.
Write your answer in the space provided on your written answer sheet.
'Supermarkets should stop giving customers free plastic bags.'
(It is suggested that you spend no more than 15 minutes on this section.)

 I agree with the statement. First, giving customers free plastic bags has a negative effect on our lifestyle. To be sure, it has made our daily life convenient and comfortable, but it has made people very wasteful, in other words, has caused the decline of spiritual values. It is quite common to throw away something still usable. Second, we have used an enormous amount of oil to produce plastic bags, and their disposal has steadily damaged our environment. Now we must realize the importance of natural resources and make use of them not only effectively but in a way friendly to the earth. (103 words)

※今回は暗記例文の比率を30%程度に抑えて,なおかつ一般論だけで書いてみたが,もちろん具体例を挙げて書ければそれでよい。いずれにしても plastic bag とはいわゆるビニール袋のことであり,石油を原料としている程度の背景知識が必要なことは言うまでもない。

英語専門塾 大学受験 阿佐谷英語塾