

(2015.7.15 → 2018.12.2 更新)



一方,バベルの塔以来の人類の夢とも言うべき世界共通の言語の獲得は,いまだ達成されていない。エスペラント語のような人工言語の試みもなされてきたが,ごく限られた使用者の数(100万人 程度)からしても補助言語の域を出るものではない。言語の本質を定義するのは極めて困難である,というよりもむしろ不可能であると言ってもよい。本質が分からないものを創造することが不可能なのは理の当然であろう。フランス人ネリエールによるグロービシュのような試みに期待をかける人もいるが,これはむしろ「various global Englishes」の一種とでも言うべきものであり,現代のリンガ・フランカ(共通語)として勢いを増すいっぽうの 「American English」の地位を脅かすにはほど遠いのが実情である。過去に台頭したグローバル言語は,ラテン語のようにいかに三大陸に及ぼうとも,あくまでも地域グローバル言語に過ぎなかった。しかし今日のグローバル化は文字通り,地球規模の一体化であり,その推進力がボーダレスな資本の移動と企業の多国籍化=無国籍化にあることは指摘するまでもない。加速度的に進行する世界市場の一体化と歯止めのない資本の暴走(マネーゲーム)の行き着く先が明るい未来であると考えるのはあまりにも楽観的に過ぎるだろう。国内外の著しい経済格差の拡大が世界情勢不安定化の最大の要因であることを否定できる者はむしろ幸せである。どこかで軌道修正が生じることは不可避であるとはいえ,地球規模のアメリカ化を押し進める原動力がITによる情報と価値の一元化,そしてその不可欠のツールとしての米英語にあることを理解している人間は驚くほど少ない。


そして21世紀に入ってようやく,特にこの数年,研究は飛躍的な進歩を遂げている。他でも触れたが,二年前には,NTTコミュニケーションズが外国人用に自動翻訳機(機械翻訳機)を開発中だと報じられた。その後,奈良先端科学技術大学院大学の情報科学の中村教授らによって自動同時通訳の技術が開発されたというニュースも報じられ,東京五輪が開催される2020までに実用化を目指すといい,すでに経験一年程度の同時通訳者と同レベルに達しているという。さらには,「人口知能が雇用奪う未来」という見出しで国立情報学研究所の新井紀子教授をリーダーとする人口知能開発プロジェクト「ロボットは東大に入れるか」の経過報告も行なわれている。2021年を目処に東大合格を目指しているが,新井教授は,「まず教育は抜本的な見直しが求められます。たとえば機械翻訳が発達すれば英語教育が10年後も必要かどうか。難しいのは,教育を見直す速度に比べて機械の発達のほうが速ければ,せっかく努力して身につけた教育が役に立たなくなってしまうことです」と言う。英語の早期教育とグローバリズム参照。こうした研究は必ずしも順調に推移しているわけではないが,他にも国内に新たな参入者が出現している。一方,Microsoftが開発中の Skype Translator の preview program は,音声同時通訳はまだ英語とスペイン語の間だけだが,テキスト同時翻訳はすでに数十カ国の言語で可能であるという。言葉の通じない外国人とインターネットを通じてリアルタイムで話せる日が,ついにやってきたわけである。グーグルが手をこまねいているはずもなく,進歩は一気に加速する。公立で,一年から(三年からではない)英語教育を行なっている小学校はすでに10%に達している。週に数万の費用と数日の時間を費やして英語の早期教育を受けている女児は目を輝かせて「将来は通訳になる」と言い,男児は「将来は大リーガーになる」と夢を語る。20年後に通訳や翻訳という職業が存在している可能性はほとんどないだろう。野球の選手になりたければ,少年野球のチームで汗を流すべきだろう。あとは「英語の早期教育とグローバリズム」を参照して欲しい。

[English Version] Automatic Simultaneous Translation and English Education (Partly revised.)

Looking back into the past, as we know, there is no doubt that the driving force of history has always been the development of science and technology. The Industrial Revolution was probably the single major factor that caused the most drastic social and economic changes in human history. Meanwhile, we cannot overlook the impacts of the wars on the progress of science and technology. For example, the advancement of aircraft, communications technology, public health and medicines, the production of mass destruction weapons, and many more than this. After the Second World War, there emerged nuclear electric power generation, space exploration, and, what is more significant, the information technology industry. However, only recently has the practical use of IT been possible. As late as the middle of the 1970s, personal computers became available to ordinary people to a limited degree. Besides, as recently as the middle of the 1990s, search engines first appeared on the Internet. Namely, they have only 20 years' history.

Nevertheless, it is not so highly likely for search engines to enhance their accuracy remarkably. The chief objective of web search has already become to work effectively as advertising media. So, unless the search results injure the reputation of such media, there are few merits of search engines providing more beneficial information, in other words, enhancing their information precision. These days, some experts point out that the results of some search engines have become less accurate. At present, it is well-known that the leakage of and illegal access to information collected and stored by all methods are the most urgent issue of IT. In short, how to control information and protect it from cyberattacks are the most crucial problem of today's IT-focused society.

Then, in the immediate future, what will be the technology that makes the most rapid progress and brings the most radical changes in modern society? Are those still unconscious that it must be artificial intelligence and robots a minority or a majority? Against all expectations, they seem to be in the majority. The risk of technology lies in it being self-serving and its built-in absence of value-judgment. No one could foresee whether or not it would eventually lead to true human well-being. Most people do not realize the seriousness of the situation until they confront the undeniable facts, and it is often too late.

Consider some striking examples in the past. Japanese character typewriting, once one of the specific professional skills, could not help going away because of word processors preceding personal computers. Banking work done by using abacuses became entirely obsolete owing to computers and desk calculators. Japanese professional shogi players suffered heavy defeats by computer software. On the other hand, automatic operation vehicles, service robots, and robot pets are already helpful. Japan, one of the fastest aging societies in the world, is paying close attention to nursing-care robots. These phenomena have all arisen in recent years.

Meanwhile, human beings have not yet attained any common global language, which has been, as it were, their ultimate dream ever since the Tower of Babel. They have made attempts to create artificial languages, such as Esperanto, but it works as an international auxiliary one regarding the limited number of users. It is very difficult, or rather impossible, to define the nature of language, and quite reasonably, human beings have no capacities for creating it. Some people are looking forward to so-called Globish, which a Frenchman, Jean-Paul Nerriere, has formalized and advocated, but it is, as it were, a type of fragmentation of English. So it is far from a threat to American English, increasingly prevailing as the lingua franca of today's world. International languages in the past, for example, Latin, even though they exerted influence through three continents, are at best "local" global languages.

In contrast, globalization at the moment genuinely means global-level unification. It goes without saying that what has pushed this ahead is that capital mobility has become borderless and that corporations have become transnational, in practice, with no nationalities. Those who could believe the global market's unification at an increasing speed and uncontrolled runaway capitalist economy might eventually bring a bright future for humanity might be too optimistic. Those who could deny that severe economic gaps within and among nations could be the most decisive agent of the world's insecurity might be fortunate. It is inevitable to correct the course somewhere in the not distant future. Nevertheless, surprisingly few people realize what is spurring globalization ― Americanization ― is centralizing information and values through IT and that its essential tool or weapon is American English.

Though still the most dominant economic, military and political state of the world, the United States steadily shows signs of decline. Therefore, it might be fair to say that the American English language is the last and most significant power source for the state. So it cannot easily let the language be less dominant, but this most effective weapon is likely to lose power unexpectedly. Change in history, especially that of science and technology, progresses at an accelerated rate. People with little insight into what is likely to lie ahead cannot picture or imagine their lives ten years from now, not to mention twenty years from now.

After all, they will have to pay for their lack of insight, and if they are parents, they will make their children pay for their choices. People cannot and should not expect anything from desperately deteriorated politicians or public officials. So parents must protect the future of their children. As mentioned above, artificial intelligence and robots will cause the fastest and most radical changes in human society before long. On the other hand, human beings have made an enormous effort, still in vain, to solve humanity's ultimate challenge, to break the barrier of language. However, they have developed various systems from different viewpoints to break it.

Since the turning of the century, above all, these several years, studies have achieved breakthroughs in this area. Two years ago, NTT Communications reported developing an automatic (speech) translation system for foreigners. Then, professors at NARA INSTITUTE of SCIENCE and TECHNOLOGY announced that they had developed mechanical translation technology and that it already performed no worse than a simultaneous human interpreter. Moreover, the project "Can robots enter the University of Tokyo?" led by Professor Noriko Arai at National Institute of Informatics aims at passing the entrance examination of this university in 2021.

She says, "Artificial intelligence takes away future employment." She goes on to say, "First of all, education needs a radical review. If mechanical translation technology develops, will English education still be in need ten years from now?" These studies are not necessarily going well, but other domestic newcomers are still appearing. On the other hand, the preview program of Skype Translator, which Microsoft is developing, is now available as simultaneous speech interpretation merely between English and Spanish. However, simultaneous text translation already exists among dozens of languages. At last, real-time communications among foreigners who do not understand each other's language become possible. Google cannot just stand by doing nothing, so progress is highly likely to accelerate all at once.

英語専門塾 大学受験 阿佐谷英語塾